When I started to imagine what a K-3 STEAM Schoolwide Enrichment Program could be, I spent a summer scouring the internet for ideas. In the years since, little by little, I've found many resources that I love. I built this page to share my research with you. These materials have inspired my curriculum, classroom management, and philosophy of teaching.
I hope they inspire you, too!
(I am not sponsored by any of these organizations. Just a Fan.)

Science - Technology - Engineering - Arts - Math
STEAM is all about real world learning. I want my students to understand how arts and sciences are integrated in the real world. To get their hands dirty and try, fail, and try again. Through STEAM, they explore a world of learning and possibility. They find new interests that drive their effort at school.
A quick reference page for Pioneer Elementary students to access websites related to Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math!
A great resource to understand STEAM that is implemented by Old Mill Elementary School (Mt. Washington, Kentucky).
In this video, Ron Berger from EL Education demonstrates the transformational power of models, critique, and descriptive feedback to improve student work.
The website for Engineering is Elementary, which supports educators and children with curricula and professional development that develop engineering literacy.
The EiE (Engineering is Elementary) project's simple Engineering Design Process (EDP) to guide students through their engineering design challenges.
Minecraft: Education Edition is an open-world game that promotes creativity, collaboration, and problem-solving in an immersive environment.
Destination Imagination's vision and mission is to teach students the creative process and empower them with the skills needed to succeed in an ever-changing world.
A link to check out the book "Beautiful Oops" by Barney Saltzberg on amazon.com. Highly recommended reading!
Deep Space Sparkle helps adults teach art to kids. This particular link is about teaching color theory to kids.
First Steps Mathematics is a series of teacher resource books that is organized around sets of mathematics outcomes for Number, Measurement, Space, and Chance and Data. This link provides access to downloadable PDFs for the First Steps in Mathematics curriculum.
These colorful posters illustrate and explain the Common Core Mathematical Practices in kid-friendly terms.
From youcubed.org: "Our main goal is to inspire, educate and empower teachers of mathematics, transforming the latest research on math learning into accessible and practical forms.
"Project M2: Mentoring Young Mathematicians is a series of eight curriculum units designed for grades K-2 to foster inquiry and engage students in critical thinking, problem solving, and communication activities.

Creativity - Collaboration - Communication - Critical Thinking
These skills are as foundational for students today as anything else we teach in school. Today's students can find all the knowledge they'll ever need in a web search; I want to help them use it well!
A video explaining the importance of the changing face of 21st century education: "Skills like critical thinking, communication, collaboration and creativity will be essential for students to take on the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.
Created via collaboration by P21 (formerly Partnership for 21st Century Skills) and FableVision, Above & Beyond is a story about what is possible when communication, collaboration, critical thinking and creativity transform learning opportunities for all kids.
Collaboration, Communication, Content, Critical Thinking, Creativity, Confidence. A friend shared this rubric with me. I added pictures to make it more friendly to younger students. I build it with my class each year.
Students for a Creative Iowa is the completely volunteer, non-profit organization that runs the Destination Imagination® program in Iowa. They work to promote creativity, teamwork, problem-solving, and STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) abilities in Iowa students. This link leads to some Instant Challenges created by them!
This video shows Common Core Demonstration Teacher Kristi Leader using the Socratic Seminar strategy in her second grade classroom.
"Citrus College supported the production of 'Success in the New Economy' to help a broader audience begin to understand preparation today for tomorrow’s labor market realities."
A funny, thought-provoking TED Talk by Sir Ken Robinson about the future of learning and what students need now.

Even my youngest students experience working with other kids from around the world. Whether they choose a life that centers around our small, farming community, or they end up traveling the world for work, I want every student to be ready to participate in the global economy and know they have the power to solve global challenges.
A web page for the Global Monster Project, where K-6 students from around the world collaborate to create their own unique monsters.
"At Singularity University, we believe that leveraging the convergence of exponential technologies will set us on the path to solve our global grand challenges and shift from an era of scarcity to abundance. There are twelve global grand challenges (GGCs)."
An annual, global, collaborative project focusing on the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals.
Awesome Squiggles is a global art challenge project where PreK-12 grade classrooms create original art based on four squiggly lines and then share their artwork with new friends around the world.
The global guessing game that gets kids learning about geography, culture, and the similarities and differences of how children live all over the world.
"iEARN is a non-profit organization made up of over 30,000 schools and youth organizations in more than 140 countries. iEARN empowers teachers and young people to work together online using the Internet and other new communications technologies."
"Level Up Village facilitates global STEAM collaboration between students from around the world. They work together by collaborating on shared project files and exchanging video letters via LUV's global communication platform."

I believe in Gifted Education, because I believe every child deserves to learn and grow. However, our American education system isn't very good at understanding the gifts that most children have. That's why I love teaching with The Schoolwide Enrichment Model. I get to seek out the strengths of every single child in our school. By allowing every child to participate in our enrichment program, we find and develop abilities that we might not have noticed otherwise. My students surprise themselves, and me, every single day.
A webpage for the Schoolwide Enrichment Model put forth by the UCONN's Renzulli Center. "The major goal of the SEM is the application of gifted education pedagogy to total school improvement.
"The Schoolwide Enrichment Model: A How-to Guide for Educational Excellence presents an inspirational model for helping students achieve in today’s schools. Based on years of research, the Schoolwide Enrichment Model (SEM) is founded on highly successful practices developed for programs for gifted students and promotes 'a rising tide lifts all ships' approach to school improvement."
A video explaining what enrichment clusters are, and how they work in a Schoolwide Enrichment Model to help teachers and students.
This article from the National Association for Gifted Children puts forth some assessment strategies for identifying gifted children from diverse populations.
A PDF from the Iowa Department of Education about identifying gifted and talented English language learners.
The website for the Culturally Linguistically and/or Economically Diverse teacher rating scales, with a link to read or download the teacher rating scales in a Microsoft Word format.

This section could also be called classroom management, cultural competency, or social and emotional learning supports. This foundation helps me to do the rest of my job well.
An interactive PowerPoint designed to get kids to go from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset (This is a link to preview and purchase).
A link to check out CHAMPS: A Proactive and Positive Approach to Classroom Management, 2nd Edition by Randy Sprick.
An amazon.com link to check out The Tough Kid Bully Blockers Handbook. From Pacific Northwest Publishing: "The Tough Kid Bully Blockers Book shows teachers and other staff how to prevent and reduce all forms of bullying, from gossiping and exclusion to physical aggression and cyberbullying."
From amazon.com: "In this instant New York Times bestseller, pioneering psychologist Angela Duckworth shows anyone striving to succeed—be it parents, students, educators, athletes, or business people—that the secret to outstanding achievement is not talent but a special blend of passion and persistence she calls 'grit'."
"The Zones curriculum provides strategies to teach students to become more aware of, and independent in controlling their emotions and impulses, managing their sensory needs, and improving their ability to problem solve conflicts."
A book by Eric Jensen that helps teachers understand the experience of children growing up in poverty, as well as strategies for supporting them in the classroom.
A thoughtful introduction to exploring the hidden biases that we all have.
A short video introduction to STEAM.